Wisconsin Article

Report: Wisconsin Faces Severe Workforce Housing Shortage

October 18, 2019
Report: Wisconsin Faces Severe Workforce Housing Shortage

Alex Zank with Milwaukee Business News reports on Wisconsin’s severe workforce housing shortage.

A shortage in workforce housing exists throughout Wisconsin, including in the southeastern part of the state.

This is according to new research conducted by a University of Wisconsin-Madison professor and backed by the Wisconsin Realtors Association. To remedy the issue, WRA officials call for more housing to be built, a reinvestment in older housing stock and regulatory changes at the state and local levels.

The report outlines the main causes of the shortage and the effects seen throughout the state. According to the report, the state isn’t seeing enough homes being built, construction costs are rising faster than inflation and incomes and land-use regulations, such as minimum lot sizes and excessive parking requirements, are further driving up the cost of housing.

Read more here.


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