Washington Article

In Seattle, A Focused Approach to Housing

November 13, 2019
In Seattle, A Focused Approach to Housing

Kim Hart reports in Axios on Seattle’s new, focused approach to housing.

In Seattle, the business community has focused on targeted projects, including Microsoft’s commitment and homeless initiatives from AmazonStarbucks and tech billionaire Paul Allen.

Seattle residents have been more open to zoning changes for more density, a different dynamic than the San Francisco Bay Area, where there is more resistance to new development.

“There was a period of transition with a more project-based focus,” said Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan, who is assembling a regional plan to address housing for Seattle and the surrounding communities, including setting goals for low- and middle-income housing.

“We have to go big as a region, and we won’t be able to get there without the strong help and support from the tech industry and other businesses, and state and local governments working together,” Durkan told Axios.

Read more here.


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