New York Article

Interview: Rent Control: Unjust and Ineffective

January 8, 2020
Interview: Rent Control: Unjust and Ineffective

The Manhattan Institute’s Michael Hendrix interviews Mayer Brown partner Andrew Pincus, the lead attorney in a lawsuit taking on New York State’s sweeping rent-regulation laws.

Brian Anderson: Welcome back to the 10 Blocks podcast. This is Brian Anderson, the editor of City Journal.

Successful cities across the country—but especially those on the coasts—have been facing a major crisis in housing affordability. As our listeners might recall in previous episodes, last summer the progressive-dominated New York State legislature passed one of the toughest rent-regulation laws in the country.

New York isn’t alone, however. Last year, state governments in California and Oregon passed their own strict rules on rent increases. California, for example, limits rent increases to 5 percent plus inflation per year.

If you’re not a landlord in a big city, you might be asking: how does “rent control” really work in practice? This next interview will help answer that question.

Read more here.


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