Nevada Article

Opinion: Who’s Looking Out For Struggling Property Owners?

March 12, 2021
Opinion: Who’s Looking Out For Struggling Property Owners?

Sarah Savko, a mom-and-pop property owner in Henderson, details how the eviction moratorium has caused her financial hardship.

Faced with dwindling finances, I am truly between a rock and a hard spot. I am looking at possibly not receiving any rent payments for yet another year — or having to take the tenant to court. (When we tried to contest this matter in court in February, we were turned away by a judge who cited the eviction moratorium.)

So here we are, months later, with more than $10,000 in losses, going through cancer treatment and fighting for survival. I’m extremely stressed, living on social security and a little retirement savings and dependent on the money I should be receiving from my rental property — money that is not coming in from a working individual who makes more than twice my income.

I’m being asked to bear the brunt of this crisis just because I happen to own a rental property. How is this fair?

I have worked hard and saved my entire life. I was responsible so that I could afford to buy a rental property that would allow me some sort of stability later in life. Now all that is being taken away – while people like my current renter profit off of my loss and hardship just because they can, and because the state is allowing it. 

I feel the state has failed me.

Read more here.


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