
Why Does It Cost $750,000 to Build Affordable Housing in San Francisco?

The New York Times’ Thomas Fuller reports on why affordable housing costs so much more to build in San Francisco.

Opinion: Let’s Quit Fetishizing the Single-Family Home

The New York Times’ Farhad Manjoo outlines what SB 50’s defeat in California could mean for housing affordability in the state. 

LA is Encouraging Developers to Put Denser Housing Near Transit. Here’s How.

Biance Barragan reports on a new program that has spurred plans for 20,000 new apartments in Los Angeles. 

Opinion: With California In The Spotlight, Housing Should Take Center Stage

NMHC President Doug Bibby previews what he would like to see discussed during the next presidential primary debate. 

As Rents Outrun Pay, California Families Live on a Knife’s Edge

Jill Cowan and Robert Gebeloff with the New York Times explain how California’s severe housing shortage is driving up rents, leaving many lower-income families struggling to stay in neighborhoods they can afford. 

‘The California price’: Why it costs so much to build a home in the Golden State

Politifact’s Chris Nichols outlines why it’s so expensive to build new homes in California.

Why It Costs So Much to Build Affordable Housing

Over the past few months, Google, Facebook and Apple have pledged to invest a total of $4.5 billion in land and loans toward stimulating the production of affordable housing in California. Our article looks at how those efforts, laudable as they are, won’t amount to much unless the state enacts land-use reforms that make it easier and cheaper to build.

In the Land of Rent Control, San Diego Takes a Better Approach by Saying Yes to New Housing

California and its new, restrictive statewide rent control law is the hot topic in housing news, but one mayor in the Golden State is cutting against his home state’s grain and speaking up for commonsense affordable housing policies.

One Reason Housing Is So Expensive In California? Cities, Counties Charge Developers High Fees

In California, municipalities continue to saddle housing providers with fees that drive up the cost of building homes. The Los Angeles Times’ Liam Dillon reports on the negative effect this is having on housing affordability.

Opinion: Soaring Building Costs Are Slowing Housing Recovery

In an op-ed in Fox & Hounds, housing expert Timothy Coyle weighed in on California’s housing crisis and the necessity of breaking down regulatory barriers to create housing.


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