Washington Article

Study Finds Active-duty Households Spend More On Housing In Seattle Than Most Cities

November 19, 2019
Study Finds Active-duty Households Spend More On Housing In Seattle Than Most Cities

Becca Savransky with the Seattle PI reports on housing affordability challenges facing active-duty households in Seattle.

Seattle is one of the only cities where active-duty military households on average have to spend more of their income on rent and mortgage payments than the typical household, according to a new report.

The Zillow analysis of 35 major metro areas in the U.S., found on average, active-duty households in Seattle would spend 35.2% of their income to afford the median rent of $2,005 in the city, compared with the typical family, which would spend just 27.7% of their income on rent payments.

Active-duty households in Seattle would also spend a greater share of their income on average on their median mortgage payments, 30.1%, when compared to the typical household, which would spend 25.1%, on median mortgage payments.

Read more here.


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