
September 18, 2019

Washington’s Housing Targets Need Teeth

Thanks to an influx of new residents, D.C.’s population exceeded 700,000 residents for the first time in 40 years last year. And it could be home to up to 900,000 people by 2035 if current trends continue. However, a lot has to change to accommodate that growth. READ MORE


June 26, 2019

Dear 2020 Candidates, Americans Are Worried About Housing

This week, twenty presidential hopefuls will take the stage in Miami for the first Democratic primary debate. In between all the personalities and policy proposals, housing affordability is among the issues expected to receive considerable attention. READ MORE


February 11, 2019

Microsoft, Mayors Come Together on Housing

Over the past decade, home prices and rents have risen twice as fast as incomes in the Puget Sound Region. For many, this means being priced out of the neighborhoods they grew up in. That could soon change as a result of a $500 million pledge from Microsoft. READ MORE
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