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Ozy: Struggling to Make Rent? For Middle-Class Millennials, Help is on the Way
For middle-class millennials, housing help is on the way. In this Ozy piece, Carly Stern dives into innovative housing solutions underway across the country aimed at housing millennials, many of whom began working on the heels of the Great Recession in 2008.
Keeping it affordable: High costs of downtown Milwaukee housing
The Milwaukee Business Journal’s Sean Ryan outlines efforts to meet housing demands in the growing city. Housing affordability has been a tough challenge in downtown Milwaukee. It affects all of downtown’s businesses that can’t offer more than $50,000 for every job, but still need to find employees. Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett made affordable housing a […]
Crain’s New York Business: Rent-law reform may repeat mistakes of past
Greg David, columnist for Crain’s New York Business, summarizes the history of rent laws in New York. The federal government imposed price controls throughout the economy during World War II. After the war, virtually every city in America let them lapse—but not New York. Rents here were kept from rising much for apartments built before […]
Chicago Tribune Column: Rents rise, supply drops — Chicago’s affordable housing woes mount
DePaul University’s Institute for Housing Studies is out with a new report that shows that a loss of affordable rental units is a growing challenge throughout the city. Blaire Kamin, columnist for the Chicago Tribune, weighs in on what the report and the complexities facing city’s mayor-elect Lori Lightfoot.
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