Impact By State



Like many other parts of the country, Washington faces a severe housing shortage. Production has not kept up with increased demand, driving up housing costs and impacting affordability for residents there. Effective solutions will prioritize increasing the supply of housing for all Washington residents.

Washington has seen a sharp population increase, with 14.6% growth since 2010.

More than 1.1 million Washingtonians call an apartment home, with demand on the rise.

71% of extremely low-income renters spend more than half of their income on housing.

Between now and 2030, Washington will need to add 12,000 new apartment homes each year to keep up with demand.


Rent control is an outdated concept. It benefits the very few—and not necessarily those in greatest need.


Lawmakers should reject price controls and, instead, pursue alternatives such as voucher-based rental assistance for those in greatest need to better address housing affordability.

Alternative Approaches

Many states have adopted programs and initiatives to tackle the affordability crisis. In Washington, policymakers and the housing industry have made concerted efforts to address the problem. Examples include:

The state’s Housing Trust Fund funds affordable housing projects through a competitive process throughout the state. The program has supported the creation and preservation of 47,000 affordable homes statewide over the past 30 years.

In 2016, Seattle voters approved a seven year, $290 million program that develops and preserves affordable housing. In addition, the program provides direct assistance to families at immediate risk of eviction and homelessness.

The MFTE program provides a tax exemption on new multifamily communities that voluntary set aside 20-25% of apartments to be rent and income restricted.

Seattle’s city council voted to pass an upzoning measure known as Mandatory Housing Affordability in March 2019. The measure enacts requirements for building affordable housing and taller residential buildings in 27 neighborhoods throughout Seattle. The goal is to provide at least 6,000 new rent and income-restricted, income-restricted homes for low-income people.

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